Thursday, September 12, 2013

33 – Six Months in a Leaky Boat – 1982 – Split Enz

Six Months in a Leaky Boat - Split Enz -1982

            From another album, “Time and Tide,” that I bought back in the day after viewing the MTV video.

            Reminds me of the summer of 1982 when I was preparing for my entry into Southern Illinois University Law School in August.

            When I went to Blackburn in 1975, my plan was to go to law school and become a Nader’s Raider, but when I went to see my advisor my second day on campus, John Van Gelder Forbes, eminence grise (though, in fact about my age now) chairman of the History department, in his cramped, overflowing office up the back stairs behind the chapel, he told me I had little chance of getting in.

            He said I needed a 3.8 GPA to get in. If I hadn’t been sitting, I would have fallen over; I got light headed as I saw my whole future disappearing into a pipe dream. I was transferring from ECC with a B average (3.0) and there was no way to get to 3.8, even if I went 4.0 for two years, the average would be 3.5 for the four years.

            I was crushed. I went back to my dorm and used the pay phone (the only phone in the dorm with an outside line, there were two other phones in the dorm for intra-college calls) to call home to tell them I was quitting.

            Luckily, my folks talked me off the ledge and told me to try another advisor. The next day I talked with Dr. Richard Piper, of the Political Science (Randy Newman shout out!) department, and he got me back to solid ground by telling me that there were law schools that would take 3.5, or less, so I changed my major to Poli Sci. A few weeks later I saw that I was closer to a Social Sciences degree so I changed to that, and about a month after that I came full circle, back to History, mainly due to Dr. Michael G.R. Kelley, a great, charismatic teacher who would be my major influence at Blackburn.

            My last semester at BU, having been on the Dean’s List all three semesters, I took the LSAT and only got a 610. That, plus my GPA, kept me out of the schools I applied to. So when Dr. Kelley told me he would recommend me for the assistantship at Western Illinois, I jumped at it.

            As I’ve written earlier (6 & 9 – Disarm, 1979, 23-Year of the Cat, 24-Mr. Blue Sky) Western was an interesting time. When I completed my MA in 1979 I was already back at Accutronics, where I stayed for several years until I got the bug again to go to law school. I re-took the LSAT, and with no new prep, improved my score by 100 points. That, plus my 3.90 GPA at WIU, got me in at Southern Illinois law school in 1982.

            SIU Law School was almost brand new in 1982, the building was on their fraternity row and the dorms were directly across the street. As a reader, I looked forward to throwing myself into law school. Little did I know that I’d be reading from the time I got up, around 7 AM, to midnight, most days. I was reading case law, text books, and law journals, spending most of my waking hours in the Law library. I was swamped.

            And the classes for the first year student were all mandatory, Contracts, Torts, Property, Legal History, and Legal Writing. Torts was taught by a professor who had seen the “The Paper Chase” too many times, I think. He would look down at his seating chart, call out a name, then when he was through with the first person, he would continue down that row. When called upon, you would stand up and he would begin to throw hypotheticals at you, until you were so addled he’d finally feel pity and pull the hook out of your mouth and move on to the next person. (I’m sure not every student felt that dread, as he came down your row, but I sure did)

            I had previously had only one experience like that in college. At BU, as a History major, I was required to take American Constitutional Law with John Van Gelder Forbes. Dr. Forbes, and his wife Lydia, the head librarian at Lumpkin Library, were institutions at BU. During WWII, Dr. Forbes was a conscientious objector, he was a Quaker, which must have been a hard row to hoe.

            My senior year, BU brought a comedian on campus for a show, John Roarke, a gifted mimic, who did a great Groucho. I don’t know if he was told that Dr. Forbes’ wife was named Lydia, but he sang Groucho’s signature song, “Lydia, the Tattooed Lady”

            Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia?
            Lydia the tattooed lady
            She has eyes that men adore so
            And a torso even more so
            Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclopedia
            Lydia, the queen of tattoo
            On her back is the Battle of Waterloo
            Beside it the Wreck of the Hesperus, too
            And proudly above waves the red, white and blue
            You can learn a lot from Lydia

            When her robe is unfurled, she will show you the world
            If you step up and tell her where
            For a dime you can see Kankakee or Paree
            Or Washington crossing the Delaware

            Lydia, oh Lydia, say, have you met Lydia?
            Lydia the tattooed lady
            When her muscles start relaxin'
            Up the hill comes Andrew Jackson
            Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclopedia
            Lydia, the queen of tattoo
            For two bits she will do a mazurka in jazz
            With a view of Niagara that nobody has
            And on a clear day, you can see Alcatraz
            You can learn a lot from Lydia

            Come along and see Buffalo Bill with his lasso
            Just a little classic by Mendel Picasso
            Here's Captain Spaulding exploring the Amazon
            Here's Godiva but with her pajamas on

            Lydia, oh Lydia, that encyclopedia
            Lydia, the queen of them all
            She once swept an admiral clean off his feet
            The ships on her hips made his heart skip a beat
            And now the old boy's in command of the fleet
            For he went and married Lydia

                        (words and music by Harold Arlen and Yip Harburg)

            Quite the scandal, I recall.

            Con Law was an 8AM course on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. (At BU, Tuesday and Thursday AM classes also met on Saturday. Because everything on campus was student run, through the work program, Saturday AM classes kept you on campus until noon, at least. Afternoon classes on Tuesday and Thursday were longer, since they didn’t meet on Saturdays).

            For our Final exam the first semester (it was a two semester class) we would have an oral test. Each student would be asked to stand to answer two questions. A large part of your grade depended on your answers. Dr. Forbes also had another requirement for this class; you had to memorize the first ten amendments of the Constitution and go to his office and write them down with no mistakes.

            For the final exam, he asked the men to wear a shirt and tie and the ladies dresses. I got a bug up my butt for some reason and refused to wear a tie (I hadn’t brought one to school with me and I wasn’t about to go out and buy one for one day) so I wore a sweater. He never mentioned it and the exam went OK. I think he gave an A to everyone that semester.

            The good thing about the Torts class at SIU was he followed his seating chart religiously, and you could work out whether he was going to get to you on a particular day. One day, however, he called on me once and I sat down thinking I was through for the day when, several minutes later, he called on me a second time. Crap! I stood up again and he peppered me with hypotheticals until he let me loose.

            I had never examined my reason for studying law, beyond working for Ralph Nader, but this experience let me know that my future was not likely to be in a courtroom. Lacking the ability to think quickly on my feet, I probably would not be the reincarnation of Clarence Darrow or “Judd for the Defense” or even Lionel Hutz.

            After the class, several people came up to me and asked, “What did you do?” to get called on a second time. I never knew. No one else had ever been called on twice in the same class period. I had not had any contact with him outside the class and had never been anything but terrified in his class.

            I wish I could remember what the hypotheticals were about, but luckily my mind is pretty blank about much of my time in law school. All I remember about Torts is that you can’t use life threatening force to protect property, i.e., a guy set up a shotgun aimed at the front door of an empty property so that someone breaking in would be shot as he came through the door. A thief did, was shot, and successfully sued the guy whose house he was breaking into,

            I remember nothing from Property, Contracts, or legal History.

            I do remember going out to the movies in Carbondale. I vividly recall “The Road Warrior”, “Pink Floyd’s The Wall”, and, especially, Stephen King’s “Creepshow”. A group of people behind me went nuts during the section with E.G Marshall and his battle with cockroaches, yelling directions to the screen, “No, don’t go there, don’t open that door!”

            At SIU that year I also had my first exposure to William Windom doing James Thurber. I had been an avid reader and collector of Thurber’s books, along with those of Robert Benchley and S.J. Perlman, and had been a big fan of Windom in “My World and Welcome To It” a TV show where he played a character based on the writings of Thurber, as a put upon married man who fantasized, much like that great Thurber character, Walter Mitty.

            I saw him do a different one man show of Thurber, in Aurora’s Paramount Theater, several years later.

            The main thing I didn’t like about law school was you had no idea where you stood throughout the semester, there were no tests or quizzes, your whole grade was determined by the final exam.

            Also, I never “got” legal writing. I had written a Master’s Thesis and had it accepted, but legal writing is different, and I had a hard time with it. There was a format that had to be followed and I was unable to make my writing fit it, for some reason, certainly not for lack of trying.

            When I took the finals I was burned out. I looked forward to getting back into the real world where I could read junk that had nothing to do with the law and watch crap on TV.  I did not have a good feeling about the tests. In the law, there is no right or wrong answer. You have to be able to argue both sides of any issue, ‘cause you have to be able to argue the position of whoever’s paying your fees.

            When I came back to school after Christmas/New Year’s break, I checked my results and they were dismal. You couldn’t flunk out after one semester, but I was near the bottom of every list. I went to my room, got my stuff, loaded up my 1979 Mustang, sold my books back to the book store, withdrew from school, and drove home, tail between my legs.

            I didn’t go back to Accu right away (see 3- No More Lonely Nights), but my dreams of being a Nader’s Raider were over.

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