Monday, May 11, 2015

66- Book of Days – 1991 and 100 – Orinoco Flow – 1988 – Enya

I know…I know…Enya…New Age…lame…but I find her music very calming and it reminds me of one of my favorite movies of the 1990s, LA Story, written by and starring Steve Martin.

In it Martin is a wacky TV weatherman in LA (who pre-records his forecasts because they’re always the same in LA), who falls in love (after finding out his girlfriend is sleeping with his agent) with Victoria Tennant (Martin’s wife at the time) and gets messages from the freeway traffic condition signs concerning this new relationship.

Lynn and I saw this with Kevin, my college roommate and his wife Janet (who sadly succumbed to ovarian cancer at 40, leaving Kevin to raise his 7 year old son alone) at a theater in Chicago and I recall they were not as enamored with it as I was.

Neither of these two songs appears in the film, but after you hear one Enya, you’ve heard them all.

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